Referring to the Undang Undang No 25 tahun 2007 concerning Penanaman Modal, and Undang Undang No 40 tahun 2007
concerning Perseroan Terbatas, it is determined that each company in it's operations must also fulfill it's social responsibility
beside profit making. Agro Investama as a group of companies that comply with the laws and regulations have also been implementing
social responsibility, by carrying out corporate social responsibility (CSR) programs in areas where it's palm oil plantations or
palm oil mill exist. CSR activities focus on education, religion, health, environment infrastructure, and community empowerment.
During the year 2012, CSR program included: improvement of rural infrastructure, particularly roads and landslide prevention,
medical examination and treatment, helping contingent on MTQ, help provide religious teacher, counseling danger of forest fires,
and fostering koperasi unit desa. For the year 2013, beside following the running program, will also conduct the distribution
of basic food aid, mass circumcision and a lot more.
For the following years we continue this CSR program in accordance with the CSR programs we have done in previous years.